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How to Do Temple Work for Someone This Is Not in Your Family

Awaiting the Blessings of the Gospel

This affiliate describes how to make temple ordinances bachelor to your ancestors.

Member's guide to temple and family history work

Consider how it would be to take the gospel but be unable to receive baptism, the souvenir of the Holy Ghost, and the ordinances of the temple. Vincenzo di Francesca was someone who had that experience. In 1910 he found and read a copy of the Book of Mormon from which the cover and championship page had been torn. Convinced of the volume's truthfulness, he searched for many years for the organized religion to which the book belonged. He finally found the Church building and was baptized in 1951. To the man who baptized him, he said, "I have prayed daily for many years for this moment. … I know that you have led me through the door that will eventually bring me back to my Heavenly Father, if I am faithful" ("I Volition Not Fire the Book!" Ensign, Jan. 1988, 21).

You have ancestors in the spirit world who, like Vincenzo di Francesca, have accepted the gospel message and wait to receive the ordinances of salvation. As you consider what your ancestors must feel, yous may brainstorm to empathise the urgency of temple and family history work. You lot may come to know why President Joseph F. Smith described missionary work in the spirit world as proclaiming "liberty to the captives" (D&C 138:31).

Policies for Preparing Names for Temple Work

Generally, you lot may perform temple ordinances for deceased persons 1 yr or more afterward the date of expiry without regard to the person'southward worthiness or cause of decease. If you take questions, delight contact your bishop or co-operative president.

Before you perform ordinances for a deceased person built-in within the terminal 110 years, obtain permission from the closest living relative. Relatives may not desire the ordinances performed or may want to perform the ordinances themselves. The closest living relatives are, in this order: a spouse, then children, and then parents, then siblings.

Determining Which Names to Submit

Yous are responsible to submit names of the following individuals for temple work (the individuals must have been deceased for at to the lowest degree 1 twelvemonth):

  • Immediate family members.

  • Direct-line ancestors (parents, grandparents, neat-grandparents, and so on, and their families).

Y'all may also submit the names of the post-obit individuals who have been deceased for at to the lowest degree one year:

  • Biological, adoptive, and foster family lines connected to your family.

  • Collateral family unit lines (uncles, aunts, cousins, and their families).

  • Your own descendants.

  • Possible ancestors, pregnant individuals who have a probable family relationship that cannot exist verified because the records are inadequate, such as those who have the aforementioned final proper noun and resided in the same expanse as your known ancestors.

Do not submit the names of persons who are not related to you, including names of famous people or names gathered from unapproved extraction projects, such as victims of the Jewish Holocaust.

Determining What Ordinances to Perform

Use the following policies to help y'all know what ordinances demand to be performed:

  • When ordinances are not needed. The FamilySearch Cyberspace site will signal when ordinances are not needed for a person, such as in these situations:

    • Children who are built-in after their mother has been sealed to a husband are born in the covenant. They do not need to receive the ordinance of sealing to parents.

    • Temple ordinances are not performed for stillborn children. Even so, a child who lived even briefly subsequently birth should be sealed to his or her parents. In some countries, particularly in Europe, children who died shortly after birth were often recorded as stillborn. Children listed as stillborn on records from these countries may be sealed to their parents. The FamilySearch Internet site volition allow y'all know if a sealing ordinance needs to be performed for a child who was recorded as stillborn. Y'all should record all births, indicating any stillborn children.

    • No baptism or endowment is performed for a child who died before the age of viii. Only sealings to parents are performed for such children. If the child was sealed to parents while he or she was living or if the child was born in the covenant, no vicarious ordinances are performed.

  • Sealing couples with undocumented marriages. Y'all may accept a deceased couple sealed to each other if they lived together as married man and married woman, even if the wedlock cannot be documented. You can use the FamilySearch Cyberspace site to prepare these names for temple ordinances without any other approving procedure.

  • Deceased women married more than than once. Yous may take a deceased woman sealed to all men to whom she was legally married. However, if she was sealed to a husband during her life, all her husbands must be deceased earlier she tin can be sealed to a husband to whom she was non sealed during life.

  • Deceased persons who had mental disabilities. Temple ordinances for deceased persons who had mental disabilities are performed the same as for other deceased persons.

  • Persons who are presumed dead. You may have temple ordinances performed for a person who is presumed dead after 10 years have passed since the fourth dimension of the presumed death. This policy applies to (i) persons who are missing in activity or lost at sea or who have been declared legally expressionless and (2) persons who disappeared under circumstances where expiry is apparent just no trunk has been recovered. In all other cases of missing persons, temple ordinances may not be performed until 110 years take passed from the time of the person's birth.

  • Other policies. Please see your bishop for information about the post-obit:

    • Temple ordinances involving living people.

    • Temple ordinances to seal the living to the dead.

    • Any policies not covered to a higher place.

Submitting Names to the Temple

After you have found all the required data most an ancestor and it is entered into the FamilySearch Cyberspace site (meet chapter 4 of this guide), you are ready to set a Family Ordinance Asking form to have to the temple. This class will arrive possible for temple ordinances to exist performed for the person. Follow these steps to prepare the form:

  1. If y'all have a computer with Internet access, become to the FamilySearch Internet site and select the temple ordinances that need to exist provided for your ancestor. Select only every bit many ordinances as tin be done in a reasonable amount of fourth dimension. And then print a Family Ordinance Request form. The FamilySearch Cyberspace site allows you to request that someone other than yourself have the Family unit Ordinance Request to the temple and perform ordinances for your antecedent. (Refer to the Help Center at for detailed instructions on how to employ the Net site.)

  2. If you lot take filled out paper forms, enquire a family history consultant to help yous obtain a Family Ordinance Request for the temple ordinances that need to exist provided for your antecedent. Y'all volition need to provide your Helper Access Number. (This number is the terminal five digits of your Church membership record number. You can get this number from your ward clerk.)

    Requite your family group records to the family history consultant, who will conform to have the information on your forms typed into the FamilySearch Internet site. Afterward the information has been entered into the reckoner, the consultant will requite you a Family Ordinance Request, which you can take to the temple.

You lot may do ordinance piece of work only for persons of your own gender. Those who do baptisms and confirmations at the temple must be at least 12 years quondam, must be baptized and confirmed, and must accept a current temple recommend. Males must agree the priesthood. Those who do other temple ordinances must be endowed and have a electric current temple recommend.

Performing Temple Ordinances

Scheduling a Visit to the Temple

At some temples yous will need to schedule a time to exercise ordinances. At others, you can simply get whenever the temple is open. If yous accept any questions, contact the temple as you plan your visit. Your bishop or branch president can tell you how to contact the temple.

Temple ordinances should be done in this gild:

  1. Baptism and confirmation.

  2. Priesthood ordination for males and initiatory ordinances.

  3. Endowment.

  4. Sealings. (The marriage sealing should be done afterwards both the husband and the wife have received the endowment. Children may be sealed to parents after the parents have been sealed to each other.)

At the Temple

Take the Family unit Ordinance Request form with you to the temple. There, a temple worker will print ordinance cards for you, and you lot can use the cards to do ordinance piece of work.

Whenever possible, you should enter your family history information into the FamilySearch Internet site before attending the temple, either from home or from a family history centre. If you cannot do this, temple workers at some temples may be able to help you enter the information and print ordinance cards if you lot bring the family group records you take prepared. Contact the temple before yous go to encounter if this service is provided.

After Attending the Temple

Once y'all have completed temple ordinances for an individual, y'all can verify that the work has been recorded. Just look upward the person'due south name on the FamilySearch Internet site.

  1. If yous take a computer with Internet access, become to the FamilySearch Internet site and sign in to the system. Review the data virtually yourself and your ancestors, and verify that the ordinance work was recorded correctly.

  2. If y'all do not have admission to the Internet, ask a family unit history consultant to impress a family group record from the FamilySearch Internet site showing the ordinances completed for your family members.

Blessings of Temple Work

Latter-day prophets have consistently emphasized the importance of performing temple work for our ancestors. President Thomas Due south. Monson taught:

Monson, Thomas S."The work of seeking out our dead and ensuring that the ordinances of exaltation are performed in their behalf is a mandate from our Heavenly Father and his Beloved Son. They do non leave u.s.a. to struggle alone but rather, in ways which are sometimes dramatic, fix the way and answer our prayers" ("Happy Birthday," Ensign, Mar. 1995, 58).

President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

Hinckley, Gordon B."In a spirit of love and induction, nosotros must extend ourselves in the work of redemption of the dead through service in the temples of the Lord. This service more near approaches the divine piece of work of the Son of God, who gave his life for others, than does any other piece of work of which I know" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1983, 8; or Ensign, May 1983, eight).

President Boyd Thousand. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke of the blessings that come to those who engage in this work:

Packer, Boyd K."Family history work has the power to do something for the dead. It has an equal power to do something to the living. Family history work of Church members has a refining, spiritualizing, tempering influence on those who are engaged in it. …

"Family unit history piece of work in one sense would justify itself even if ane were non successful in clearing names for temple work. The procedure of searching, the means of going after those names, would be worth all the effort you could invest. The reason: You cannot find names without knowing that they represent people. Yous begin to find out things about people. When nosotros research our own lines we become interested in more only names or the number of names going through the temple. Our interest turns our hearts to our fathers—nosotros seek to find them and to know them and to serve them. In doing so we shop upwardly treasures in heaven" ("Your Family History: Getting Started," Ensign, Aug. 2003, 17).

Continuing Your Efforts

The Prophet Joseph Smith taught the eternal consequences of temple work. In 1842 he wrote a letter urging the Saints to do baptisms for their deceased ancestors:

Joseph Smith Jr."Brethren, shall we non go on in so not bad a cause? Become forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. … Allow the dead speak along anthems of eternal praise to the Male monarch Immanuel, who hath ordained, earlier the world was, that which would enable u.s.a. to redeem them out of their prison; for the prisoners shall become complimentary" (D&C 128:22).

This guide has helped you become familiar with temple and family history piece of work. Y'all have studied the doctrines that pertain to the redemption of the dead. Y'all accept learned how to gather and record family history information. You have learned how to provide the treasured blessings of the temple for your family.

Refer to this guide equally frequently equally needed. You can ask a family unit history consultant for aid when you need information technology. Continue your efforts to find and redeem your ancestors. Become forward with the promise that through your efforts they "shall get free" (D&C 128:22).
